"An effektive work
flow is profitable"
J. Hundahl
J. Hundahl A/S, a New Holland dealer in Denmark, has two bases, at Skive and Thisted respectively. The company has 56 employees.
A fleet of 15 vehicles serves clients in the field and 34 employees at two workshops service agricultural machinery (including tractors, harvesters and large balers), construction machinery, hydraulic systems, industrial machinery, and garden, park and landscape machines.
In connection with expansion and modernisation of the business in Skive, J. Hundahl invested in a two-column inground lift for their new 850 m2 workshop.
“The inground lift is very clear evidence that our workshop is up-to-date. We are involved in many different activities, repairing, preparing and aligning machinery. Before we had the lift, we merely jacked up the vehicles and carried out the work lying on a roller board. The lift makes our work ergonomically correct. There is often a queue to work with it.
We use the lift mainly with tractors but, because it is so versatile, we also use it for servicing tri axle flatbed trucks and slurry tankers, and overhauling our own service vehicles. It is now much easier to repair the brakes on a slurry truck because you simply lift the truck and can easily get in behind the wheel. Sometimes we find leaks in the pipes above the gearbox or another type of oil leak that means we have to remove the wheel. With the vehicle on the lift, it is at perfect working height and we can shine a lamp from different angles.
The inground lift provides optimum working conditions for the mechanic and it is difficult to imagine lifting in a way that takes less space under the vehicle.
We cannot say precisely when the lift will have paid for itself, but it is indisputably a wise investment. The lift improves efficiency and minimises absence due to illness. It helps us to maintain an efficient work flow and ensures that our service operations are profitable.”
Henrik Larsen, Foreman